Big-Bag filling system with roller conveyors and automatic stretch winder

  Big-Bag filling system with roller conveyors and automatic stretch winder

Big-Bag filling station with vacuum conveying

  •	Big-Bag filling station with vacuum conveying

Big-Bag filling station with dosing channel

  Big-Bag filling station with dosing channel

Big-Bag emptying station with intermediate container and dosing channel

  Big-Bag emptying station with intermediate container and dosing channel

Big-Bag emptying station with containment foil system

Big-Bag emptying station with containment foil system

Shockproof discharge cassette with endless foil system

Shockproof discharge cassette with endless foil system

Drainage system

Drainage system

Drum filling plant with transport system and palletizing 3-storey

Drum filling plant with transport system and palletizing 3-storey


Drum filling plant with transport system and palletizing 3-storey

Small container filling for 1 to 10kg

Small container filling for 1 to 10kg

Sterile pouring and filling system in aluminium container

Sterile pouring and filling system in aluminium container 

Bag filling in the isolator

Bag filling in the isolator 


swissmadeNovindustra AG Gewerbestrasse 1 CH-4450 Sissach Switzerland
+41 61 976 70 70