The smooth interaction of processes, mechanics, electrical equipment and controls is absolutely crucial for a reliable operating system.

With our own "In-House" control and software expertise, Novindustra is able to provide the optimal control solution for any custom installation.

Our specialists develop and program customized software programs and our experienced automation engineers to initiate the process in control and electrical cabinets.

Our control systems, developed In-House, guarantee fast and smooth start-up and enable problem-free future modifications and improvements.

Our strengths are:

  • Connection to higher-level systems (OPC UA)
  • Integration into customer's domain, central user administration
  • Ident-System (RFID, QR-/Barcode)
  • Data Integrity through AuditTrail
  • Electronic batch protocols (PDF, CSV etc.)
  • Remote maintenance solutions via secure VPN connection

Produkt ist in einer Ex tauglichen Ausführung, gemäss der Richtlinie 2014/34/EU, erhältlich. Alle unsere Produkte sind CE konform, gemäss der Richtlinie 2006/42/EG. Waage Produkte sind in einer nach OIML eichfähigen Ausführung erhältlich


swissmadeNovindustra AG Gewerbestrasse 1 CH-4450 Sissach Switzerland
+41 61 976 70 70